February 24, 2019

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.02.24


Friends, sisters and brothers,
welcome to this sacred place this morning.
Let us a pause for a moment to be still and breathe.

Today, when we are challenged,
may we be receptive to the Spirit’s moving.

When we are humbled,
may we make room for God’s healing and grace.

When we face difficult emotions and trying situations,
may we welcome these experiences and learn from them.

This morning, make some space to
contemplate and care for yourselves,
so that the change we experience here
will spread into our homes, workplaces, and city.

In the name of God, our Creator,
Jesus, our Savior,
And the Holy Spirit, our Breath of Life.

(Gina Bastone-Trevino)

Community Confession

With so many stories of injustice and oppression in the world,
it’s easy to ignore them and be consumed with our own lives.
Dear God, help us to pay attention.

We often avoid the hard work of interrogating and
interrupting our privilege. We prefer to stay where we are comfortable and safe.
Dear God, show us paths beyond of our comfort zone.

When we face these hard truths, we sometimes shut down.
We get defensive and angry, afraid and withholding.
Dear God, help us approach the pain
of injustice with humility and patience.

When we begin to acknowledge these realities,
we can be overwhelmed with guilt and shame.
Dear God, teach us your ways of love and forgiveness,
so that we can forgive and love ourselves.

May this forgiveness inspire us to right action,
and equip us to participate in
your great mending of our broken world.

We ask of you, our God in community,
Holy in One,

(Gina Bastone-Trevino)

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 2.24.19 – Rethinking Incarceration

What is our relationship to the good news when it comes at a cost to our ability to offer participation?

How can you take a step in using your privilege to hold systems and structures accountable that dehumanize others?


Vox family, leave here today with
the truth that you are fully known.

Your blemishes, scars, and imperfections are out in the open.
God knows and sees them all, and loves you for them.

Care for these special, vulnerable places inside of you.
Love them as God does.

When you face the challenges of our imperfect world,
with its broken systems and cycles of pain and hurt,
remember the healing that God is doing in you and around you.

Do not be afraid, and do not be disheartened.
There is love and peace and joy enough.
Our only requirement is to consent to this
beautiful and holy invitation.

May we leave here, thankful in the love
of our Provider,
our Redeemer,
and our Spirit Guide.

(Gina Bastone-Trevino)

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by @ Flickr]

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