We are called to be people of
faith in the midst of the world,
and so we mix our worship and
our work, our faith, and our life.
We gather here as people who live
in the world and yet, we gather as
people who have been called to see
our world from a different viewpoint.
God calls us together, God calls us to be
part of a community. God challenges us
to consider questions of priority as we
engage with our world.
In this time together, may God mature
our hearts, minds and eyes, allowing
us to see deeper, helping us to live in
the world while still offering a holistic
approach to the way things can be.
We ask and worship
in the name of our Creator,
of our Savior,
and our Holy Spirit, the breath of life.
Community Confession
Father, we pray to you.
For your love and goodness,
we give you thanks, O God.
You of heaven and earth, you who made all
things and called them good. Each day you
shape the earth in wonder and mystery,
surrounding us with goodness and growth.
For your creativity and goodness,
we give you thanks, O God.
Yet, we admit to you our dry and anxious
spirits, and we confess our anxiety and worry.
In your love and goodness, Lord, have mercy on us.
In your grace, Jesus Christ, nourish and renew us.
Give us healthy lives, lives reflecting your vibrance,
lives ready to bear the fruits of goodness and love
toward all creation, so that we may be living proof
that you are alive and well, flourishing in our city.
For your grace and goodness,
we give you thanks, O God.
Let us use your gifts to make new lives
possible among us and beyond us.
May your Creating Spirit dwell with us,
O God, and we pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 11.11.18 – Rootedness: Fruit
What kind of people do we want to be in 20 years?
What kind of fruit do we hope to produce over time?
Go now, and love one another, because love is from God.
Proclaim God’s love to those we encounter throughout the week.
Remain in Jesus Christ, and like branches of a vine,
draw your life from him.
And may God the vine grower tend to you and make you fruitful;
May Christ Jesus abide in you and give you life;
And may the Holy Spirit cast out all fear and fill you with God’s love.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
in name of
our God, the Creator,
of Christ, our Savior,
and of the Holy Spirit,
our Advocate and Guide
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Alberto Polo Iañez @ Flickr]