August 12, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.08.12


The table of Jesus is our place of gathering.
Here, you are welcome and wanted.
Here, there is a place set for you.

Come all who are hungry for the bread of life.
Whose souls cry out for healing.
Come all who are weary, who worry,
Who ache with the tiredness of living.

Come all you who are lost, all you who
search for meaning but can not find it
all you who have no place of belonging.
Jesus invites you here.

Draw near with faith.
And find that there is enough for all.
All your hunger. All your worry.
All your fear and uncertainty.

We pray this morning,
in the name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Compassionate God,
You have compassion enough for all.
Lord in your mercy,
Have compassion for us.

Jesus, out of your compassion for us,
you invite us to come away with you
to a place of rest and quiet.
Help us to say yes and then
to be able to come away with you.
Lord in your mercy,
Have compassion for us.

Lord, out of your compassion you care for
Those who are harassed, helpless, and
Lost. Sometimes we feel that way ourselves
Lord in your mercy,
Have compassion for us.

Lord in your compassion feed us who are hungry;
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Lord in your compassion heal us in the places we need healed.
Lord in your mercy,
Have compassion for us.

We pray in the name
of the creator Father,
the compassionate Son,
the guiding Holy Spirit,

— written by Rev. Abi

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 8.12.18 – Get Up and Eat

What have you learned from experience about what truly fuels you in difficult times?

What is your experience of the dance of grace and effort in your own life?


Let us go forth in faith in our Provider God,
who gives us daily what we need
to feed our bodies and spirits.
Our common need for nourishment
unites us together as the body of Christ.

May the holy Bread of Life
create sustenance for the journey,
calm for troubled stomachs,
grace-filled movement for aching limbs,
and joyful activity for all bodies
as we seek to live in sacred community.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

~ Christine Longhurst

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Brad McMurray @ Flickr]

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