Faithful God, we come into your presence
with thanksgiving, deeply grateful for the
unfailing love and faithfulness you have
shown toward us, your people.
When we call out to you, you answer.
When we are exhausted, you give us
the strength to go on. When we find
ourselves in trouble, you are there,
standing beside us.
And so we come before you with
gratitude and praise, offering you
the awe of our hearts and lives.
Open our eyes to see and know
you here among us; open our ears
to recognize your voice.
in the name of our faithful God,
of our loving Savior,
and the Holy Spirit, our Advocate and Guide.
Community Confession
God, you know us better than we know ourselves.
You know our thoughts, our weaknesses,
our motivations, our trespasses.
And you love us still.
Forgive us when we don’t believe
such love is true or possible;
When we wonder how you could love us just as we are,
when we forget our intricate construction,
fearfully, wonderfully made, in your image,
Remove from our minds every thought
which keeps us from you. Break down
the walls, push aside the pride,
and help us to trust anew.
You know our hearts.
And you love us still.
We thank you and pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
(Rev. Susan A. Blain and Rev. Scott Ressman)
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 6.24.18 – The Goodness of Being
Do you know and feel that you are essentially and deeply good, before you do or say anything?
How are you being healed, transformed and awakened to the experience of your goodness and God’s unconditional love for you?
You have been called to the highest office:
a follower of Christ, a lover of the other,
and a seeker of truth.
Remember to sacrifice, to listen, to put yourself
in a place of weakness, because these things
empower freedom, wisdom and strength.
As you go from this place, be comforted in knowing
that all you do or want to do or try to do has already
been redeemed by Christ’s love.
Let this knowledge free your true self,
holy and beloved of God.
We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Nikki Lake @ Flickr]