Let us worship the Triune God.
Let us worship the One
who spoke in the beginning
and created something out of nothing.
Let us worship the Triune God.
Let us worship the One
who took on the clothing of humanity
to set those who were oppressed free.
Let us worship the Triune God.
Let us worship the One
whose Spirit rests continually upon us,
calling us from sorrow-filled endings
to bright new beginnings.
In the name of God, our Creator,
of Christ, our Savior,
and of the Holy Spirit, our Breath of Life.
(Rev. J. Lee Hill)
Community Confession
Holy Mystery, even as we celebrate your unity,
we often forget the beauty of your three persons.
We hold to your transcendent life as Creator
and keep at a distance the challenges of Christ.
We bow before your glory
and keep your humanness away
from the reality of our own lives.
Forgive us, Jesus Christ.
Guide and guard us, Holy Spirit,
and go on creating within us, Creator God.
If we are tempted to think that we know
all that there is to know, Holy Trinity,
closing ourselves off from ideas which others offer
and neglecting to search for even deeper truths:
Forgive us, Jesus Christ.
Guide and guard us, Holy Spirit,
and continue creating within us, Creator God.
Dwell in community with us, and we pray
in the name of you, the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
(Nolan and Phyllis Palsma, Harmon Li)
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 5.27.18 – Invitation to Dance
What do you wonder about Trinity this morning?
How can you welcome God’s movement for all things in your life this week?
God, who created you in the divine image,
sends you forth. So go to reflect the presence
of our Creator to everyone we meet.
Jesus, who has redeemed you, has established
the reign of God in our midst. So go to bring
healing to the broken of the world.
The Holy Spirit, who calls you to be God’s people,
goes with you to many places. Let us go to tear
down the walls that divide us, and to build lives
of hope for all of God’s children.
May the peace of the rolling waves,
the peace of the silent mountains,
the peace of the singing stars,
and the deep, deep peace of the Prince of Peace,
be with you now and forever.
In the name of our God in community,
Holy in One,
(written by Thom Shuman)
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Robert Ogilvie @ Flickr]