When everything was dark, and it seemed
that the sun would never shine again,
your love broke through.
Your love was too strong,
too wide, too deep
for death to hold.
The sparks cast by your love
dance and spread and burst
forth with resurrection light.
Loving God, we praise you
for the light of new life
made possible through Jesus.
We praise you for the light of new life
that shone on the first witnesses of resurrection.
We praise you for the light of new life
that continues to shine in our hearts today.
We pray that the Easter light of life, hope and joy,
will live in us each day; and that we will be bearers
of that light into the lives of others.
Let us celebrate the wonderful name
of God, our Creator,
of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ,
and of the Holy Spirit, our breath of life.
~ written by the Rev. Michaela Youngson
Community Confession
When our faith stands at the grave,
grieving for a stone that’s been rolled away,
forgive us, God, for being too preoccupied to
notice your work already being done around us.
When our faith is short of understanding
though the truth is there to see,
forgive us, Jesus, when we limit the depth
of your love that that overcomes all darkness.
When our faith, beset by doubt, sees
no further than an empty tomb today,
help us, Holy Spirit, to see new life
beyond our narrow scope of view.
Bring to mind the joy of your friends,
when they finally saw you with them
again, and grant us faith to believe.
We pray to our God in community,
holy in One.
~ written by John Birch and modified by Harmon Li
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 4.01.18 – New Life
What am I being invited to forgive about life?
Where is new life breaking open the ordinary meaning of my journey?
Raise us up, oh Lord, and renew our lives!
Father of life, we see your light!
We were once in darkness and had lost hope
but Jesus Christ, your Son, has won over death
– for all humanity, for me, and for you.
So many times in our lives our eyes are closed,
but today may we see and proclaim the
good news of our risen Lord.
Thank you for this day of hope,
thank you for such incredible love.
May our very lives reflect your
grace and resurrection for all.
May we go into this week, celebrating
the name of the Father,
of the Risen Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Alberto Polo Iañez @ Flickr]