We gather: a community of faith in God’s subversive world.
We gather to celebrate that no darkness can extinguish Light,
to remember that Love will always be more powerful than hate,
and to trust that Peace will always be stronger than violence.
We gather: a people of faith
in the Light of God’s world.
Welcome to worship.
We gather this morning
in the name of
our present God,
our teacher Jesus,
our comforter Spirit,
(Adapted slightly from Cheryl Lawrie)
Community Confession
God of Light, we confess that we have gone
astray and have left Your light. We follow the
dim lights of the world of success and fortune.
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the
works of darkness and to put on the armor of light.
We follow the dim lights that persuade
us to be more lovable by following rules.
We follow the fading light of personal salvation.
Forgive us for not seeking the true Light
of Your love for all the world.
Call us to be light-bearers of love,
compassion and justice, in which
the Mystery of Your Love is revealed.
We pray in the name
of God,
Jesus the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,
(Adapted from Rev. Mindi)
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 1.07.18- Growing Into Love
What does our irritation of certain people tell us about ourselves and our love?
How might we grow the no-matter-whatness and no-matter-whoness of our love?
We have celebrated together in the Light of
our God and our community of friends and strangers,
where there is no difference in God’s eyes.
May the Truth you heard this morning resonate,
that you come to know the Love of God deeply
and expansively.
May you grow in the Light of the interruptions
that give you pause and bring you reminders
of God’s Love.
Go in the peace of Christ
and walk in his light.
Let us go in the name
of the almighty God,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Brad McMurray @ Flickr]