October 1, 2017

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 10.01.2017


Lord God, as we gather together today
to hear your word, make us mindful of
the goodness you impart to us.

Make us aware of the goodness
we can impart to those around us.

Lord God, you made us into unique beings.
Give us patience with ourselves as we
sometimes struggle to unfurl.

Lord God, you made us powerful
beings, capable of great love.
Remind us of our calling to live
in that love, and to share it.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

(by Sarah Berson)

Community Confession

Too often, too easily, our eyes are
drawn down, God, to the suffering
of victims and the pain of perpetrators,
to the wounds we inflict on others
and the wounds we inflict on ourselves.

We need to see these things
near and far to us, and pray.

But, we also need our eyes to be lifted,
God, to the signs of your life among us,
to the touch of your healing on our souls,
to the cross that casts its liberating shadow
across all human affairs.

Forgive us when we forget you are
always working in and through us.

We need our eyes to be lifted, God,
so our hearts may be filled with faith
and hope and love.

Remind us how we are made in your wondrous image.
Remind us that we are loved and known deeply.
Remind us that you are both with us and in others wherever we go.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 10.01.17 – Liturgy:Benediction

How can we create peace one person
at a time?
How do we respond to the fact that who we are pleases God and that he loves
and likes us?


God’s capacity for love knows no bounds.
So he added to it by creating you.
You, without any of your own pretense,
are truly loved by God.

God made you for a reason, and wherever you are
in discovering that reason, give yourself grace,
trust your courage, and know that no step is a
mistake if you trust in God’s faithfulness.

Go out of this place today as an adventurer.
Let the spirit of God carry you toward the good
work you can do in this life, in this community.
Let your heart be driven by compassion and love.

Let us go forth in the name
of our God, the Creator,
Christ, the Risen One,
and the Holy Spirit, our breath of life.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Sandra Lazzarini @ Flickr]

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