July 16, 2017

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 07.16.2017


Welcome, welcome, welcome,
we welcome all that comes to us today.
We are made of our experiences.

Those that teach us joy,
those that teach us pain,
and those that teach us comfort.

We are made of times that teach
us when we need to move,
and when we need to be still.

We welcome the loving presence of our God.
We are made of the love of God.
Our God wants you here, in this place, to rest.

We welcome now this time to rest.
We welcome now this time to rest.
We welcome now this time to rest.

We begin our rest today
in the name of our Lord God,
of our teacher Jesus,
and of the calm Holy Spirit,

Community Confession

We are called blessed, but what does that mean?
We suffer; is that what it is blessed?
We hurt; is that what it is to be blessed?

God of love, guide us to kindness
toward ourselves when we suffer.

We are made to be blessed, but what does that mean?
We question ourselves: am I ok?
We compensate for our fears: am I worth it?

Jesus, you know more suffering than we do,
and you gave us the gift of being blessed.
Help us rest in that knowledge.

We desire to live as blessed, but what does that mean?
We witness violence; we look away.
We say we want peace; we create conflict.

Holy Spirit, send your grace into our hearts.
Open our hearts to know what it means to
truly live as blessed.

We pray in the name
of our God,
the risen Son,
and the Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 07.16.17 – Living from the Heart

What am I feeling or needing right now?
How can I practice emotionally responding to my own feelings and the feelings of others this week?


You, who have been made blessed,
called blessed, and been blessed,
go in rest.

You are made of your experiences.
Let the experience of rest be a blessing.

Rest in the knowledge that yes, you are ok.
Yes, you are truly loved and lovable.
Go, and give that rest to those you meet today.

We pray in the name
of our God,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Tom W. @ Flickr]

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