February 5, 2017

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 02.05.2017


Today, we are open — open to
the One who forever invites us
into peace and understanding.

We open our arms, and our hands
to those who do not reflect our
preferences, or our perspectives.
May our feet be moved
by God’s love alone.

We open our breath to be deepened,
our minds to be sharpened, and we
open our hearts to be softened.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Father God, you are always with
us though we do not always
recognize your presence.

Our eyes are too often clouded
by our experiences, our pride,
our despair and our tears.

Because of this, we invite us now
to pause in silence and reflection….

(After about a minute of silence, continue the prayer.)

Let us end our prayer with our response.
Fill our eyes with the light, your
instrument, that we may see you
in everything and everyone.

Grant us this for your glory
and for our peace today.

We pray to you,
our God in Community,
Holy in One,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 02.05.17 – Forget Your Perfect Offering

What do I tend to do when I feel sad, melancholy and/or depressed?
What would I do to get involved and participate, if I wasn’t so afraid of doing it “imperfectly”?


In a world that is always asking us to become
something, someone, some success story,

In this place we say: don’t become,
be who you already are.

Don’t become light – be the light
you already are – this is what
God anciently placed in you.

Don’t become salt – be the salt
you already are – it is in this way
you are known to God.

For from these elements: Salt and
Light, God uniquely crafted you.

Don’t become anything – be who you are,
and discover the One who loves you.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Carmen Marchena @ Flickr]

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