How can we ever understand the mystery of your love, O God?
How can we ever estimate the value of your compassion and mercy?
In our weaknesses and brokenness, in our strengths and wholeness,
we find the touch of your support and creative energy.
In our fears and suffering, in our joys and pleasures, we find
the comfort of your tears and the warmth of your laughter.
In our failures and despair, in our successes and dreams, we
find peace in your forgiveness and the inspiration of your Spirit.
These are gifts beyond measure,
and we can only respond with joyful praise.
You are the home we long for, the family where
we discover that we truly belong, the hearth where
we are warmed and renewed, and we worship you
with our whole being, wonderful and loving God.
We praise you in the name
Of the Father,
Of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit.
(John van de Laar)
Community Confession
Holy God, you call us to live
in mystery, to walk by faith.
Yet we long for plans with goals and
schedules. It’s hard to live by faith.
You call us to place our trust in you,
to live according to your direction.
Yet we want life to make sense
from a human point of view.
It’s hard to live by faith.
You call us to feel the mystery of life,
to marvel at the power of your love.
Yet it’s not easy to accept your promise
that everything old has passed away.
It’s hard to live by faith.
Forgive us, holy maker of reality.
Forgive us for playing god
instead of accepting our humanity.
We ask of you,
our God in community,
holy in One.
(Peter Bankson)
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 10.23.16 – Values:Mystery
What does the spiritual practice of discovery look like in your faith?
How can you practice curiosity when you don’t understand how God is working in your life?
May this eternal truth be always on our
Hearts, that the God who breathed this
world into being, placed stars into the
heavens and designed a butterfly’s wing,
Is the God who entrusted his Son to the care
of ordinary people, became vulnerable that we
might know how strong is the wonder of Love.
A mystery so deep it is impossible to grasp.
A mystery so beautiful it is impossible to ignore.
Go forth in hope and peace,
in the name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
(John Birch)
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by elsa bleda @ Flickr]