Heavenly Father, Christ within us, Spirit of our very breath,
we offer gratitude for being here today, safe in this place.
Still our minds as we open our hearts to your message.
Give us mindfulness of our bodies as we breathe
in (pause) and out (pause).
Help us to release thoughts of our plans for the day,
worries about the things we worry about, and
the multitude of distractions as we breathe
in (pause) and out (pause).
We begin our worship today
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,
Community Confession
We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
We were made to do good, to live by
the power of the spirit of God and the
love of Christ on earth.
God, give us wisdom to know when we
need to clutch tightly at the things before us,
and when we need to stretch open our palms
to release them, and to breathe in (pause) and out (pause).
Teach us to call out to you, oh God.
Since you redeemed us, Jesus, you
gave us the power to walk among your
people sanctified and holy. And yet we
forget that with each breath, we are
manifesting you on earth.
Teach us to pour out our false selves,
oh God, that we might be filled with your spirit.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Help us to remember ourselves in this
very time and place as we breathe in (pause) and out (pause).
We pray in the name
of the Father,
the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 7.31.16 – Justice
What might it look like to mindfully leave space in my week to respond to those who are in suffering?
What does rest look like for me this week, and how might I entrust my long-term desires to God in those spaces?
As we go out today, take with you a sense of
restoration and rest, and desire to live in that
place. Not constantly, because we still have
things we need to do, but touch it every now
and then, and feel God there.
Build rest into your busy lives, that
you might find healing and satisfaction.
Connect with God in those moments.
In this way, we will truly live out the church
here on earth as we breathe in (pause) and out (pause).
We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.