November 8, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 11.08.2015


Our God, we give you thanks:
For those who sit, wait, and listen on our behalf, when others pursue busyness
For those who love in ways that go beyond convenience and expectations
Thank you for the Mary’s in our lives and our church.

Help us get over ourselves enough
to be able to sit in your presence, like Mary

Help us to have the humility and the courage to wonder,
if only for a moment, if you are about something game changing

Help us to carry that same spirit of curiosity and discovery
beyond these walls into the world in which we serve and which you love.

So let us, in your name,
dare to hope
and be moved to love as you have loved us

Community Confession

Come with what you have.
For you who grieve this day, know that you are invited
to bring the broken pieces of your heart.
Loving one another, we will discover God’s love for us all.

Come with what you have.
For you who come with gladness, know that your joy will bring peace.
Accepting God’s love, we are called to love one another.

Come with what you have.
For you who are weighed down by too many ‘shoulds’ and ‘what-ifs’,
know that here you may lay down the burdens of guilt and shame.
Loving one another, we will discover God’s grace for us.

Come with what you have.
For you who have the answers, know that new questions await you.
Accepting God’s love, we are called to love one another.

Come with what you have.
For you who come seeking, know your questions are safe
in the presence of God.
Loved by one another, we will discover God’s love for us.

Come and know our Father hears us,
come and find refuge in our Redeemer. Our Creator.

Glory to the Father,
to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 11.08.15 -Loving With Your Heart

How are we able to receive God’s love solely based on being in his presence?
How do we experience the depth of our emotions as a sacred part of our humanity?
How can we love in impractical ways?


God of presence, grant us ears to hear the invitations to sit with you.
Give us clarity to see the open spaces to feel our lives.
God of impractical love,
Help us live as a forgiven people this week,
And love out of the many debts you’ve cancelled.
And help us to see Jesus as he really is –
Alive and patiently loving our whole world back to itself.

We ask all this
In the name of the Father,
the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Andy Feltham @ Flickr]

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