June 7, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.07.2015


Holy One, for all of the ways you speak to us –
in the rushing wind, in dancing flames,
in the words of friends and loved ones,
and in all that transcends language,
we give you thanks.

Give us eyes to see your story,
a story of redemption that works
in our lives each day.

Give us ears to listen to your words,
words of hope, reminding us of your
promise to dwell with us always,
even in the shadows of darkness.

Give us courage to speak your love,
everywhere we go, to everyone we meet.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Lord, you call, but we do not
always recognize your voice.
Sometimes we don’t listen carefully.
Sometimes we’re caught off guard.

Lord, you call, but we haven’t
always taught others to hear you.
Sometimes we stand in the way,
allowing our voice to ring out over yours.

Lord, you call, but we don’t
always believe our ears.
Sometimes we believe we know better.
Sometimes we think you can’t possibly
be calling us, or her, or him.

Forgive us, Lord, our unpracticed listening,
our closed ears. Help us to hear.

All this we ask of you, confident
in your unchanging faithfulness,
God in community, holy in One.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 6.07.15 -Listening

Where am I being invited to listen/empathize more deeply – with my self, with God/wisdom, or with others?
What would it look like to lean into that on a practical level?


Go now, awakened to the voice of God
who speaks in his Word and his world.

As you leave this place, be listening
amid the noise of your everyday life.

Be persistent, for the One whom you
follow lives, his teachings and his
promises are alive and at work.

Do not get discouraged.
Keep asking…seeking…knocking,
for moments of receiving, finding,
and opening will come.

Christ Jesus is with us.
Find life through him, with his words
written upon your heart, always there.

Go this week, serving in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by coolhandluke @ Flickr]

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