It is our greatest joy to offer you praise,
God of all hope and power:
you whispered your goodness,
and the stars shimmered in adoration;
you spoke your tenderness,
and all creatures sang your name;
you sang your love, and we
were created in your image.
But placed in the Garden of heavenly delights,
we hungered for the unfruitful ways of the world.
Bathed in the radiance of Eden’s light,
we walked into the shadows of our sin.
But your mercy is like the river which
flows through the new Jerusalem,
and never fails to bring us hope.
So, with the choirs of angels
and with every generation of believers,
we proclaim your glory, worshipping
in the name of the Father, of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Community Confession
Lord, God, you know our faults,
our failings, the waywardness of
our affections, the times when we
fail to practice what we know,
Yet you love us still,
you forgive us,
you are there to comfort us.
You cherish us, guide us and love us,
But we often forget these gifts and
stray far from you, both when days
prove difficult and when we fall into
the lure of comfort and contentment.
Forgive us, loving Shepherd,
and seek us when we are lost.
Give us grace to love what you teach and
to desire what you promise, that in all the
changes and chances of this world, our
hearts may be surely fixed where true
contentment, true life is to be found,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We pray to our God in community, holy in One.
Sermon and Reflection
Sermon Podcast 3.15.15 – Mothering
In what ways have we experienced the nurturing aspect of God in our lives?
What would it look like to have a God who demonstrates mothering attributes and impacts how we make decisions and engage with God?
God invites us into his future, where
the one who makes all things new
has made his home among us.
We are called and chosen, together
embraced by our God in whom
tears, mourning, crying, pain
and even death will be no more.
Remember God’s future,
for this is our story.
So go forth this week,
serving and celebrating
the love of the Father,
of the Risen Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.