March 22, 2015

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.22.2015


Almighty and ever-present Father, your
watchful care reaches from end to end
and orders all things in such power, that
even the tensions and the tragedies of sin
can not frustrate your loving plans.

Help us to embrace your will, give
us the strength to follow your call,
so that your truth may live in our
hearts and reflect peace to those
who believe in your love.

We proclaim this in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

As a community of believers,
Holy One, we open ourselves
to your restorative presence.

We are surrounded by beauty,
yet we often fail to wonder.
We are to be symbols of hope,
yet we often succumb to despair.
God of patience, have mercy on us.

We are blessed beyond measure, yet
we allow greed to shape our generosity.
We are uncommonly free, yet we often
bind ourselves to yesterday’s failures.
God of our past, our present and future,
have mercy on us.

We are gifted and graced as a people of faith,
yet we often fail to let our light shine.

We are loved beyond measure, yet we often
fail to pass on your love unconditionally.
God of abundance, have mercy on us.

In these moments of shared silence,
encourage us to lay down our burdens,
release our fears, forgive our failures,
reclaim our hopes, and align ourselves
with the profound covenant you have
made with us.

All this we confidently pray
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 3.22.15 – Belonging From the Edges

What depth of community is meaningful for us now?
How does Jesus accept us at the edge of belonging and allow us to engage where we are?
How can we overflow the judgement in our lives with acceptance that comes from God?


Generous God, help us tell
the truth, but tell it slant.
Let our explanation of the hope
and joy we have found be kind.

This week, may we carry your reality
into our relationships with great love,
that it may dazzle gradually, lest it
make every person blind.

May we take a small risk this week
into the pool of community. Guide us
into your acceptance of where we are.

Patient Collaborator, stir up
a curiosity and meaningful
engagement at the edge of
our relationship with you.

We ask all this remembering
the Father,
the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by coolhandluke @ Flickr]

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