We’re always saying “see you throughout the week”, but that’s hard, when you’ve just met for a few hours on Sunday. Vox Community Events are opportunities to start relationships that will be with you all week long. You might meet someone to invite to your MidWeek Group, a baby-sitter or a concert buddy.
Our next event is KICKBALL (and lunch) on Sunday, April 28! Everyone is invited, even if you don’t want to play. We need a minimum of 30 players, so please RSVP on the Facebook event.
Who: Vox Community & Friends
What: Kickball and Lunch
Where: Givens Park (12th and Luna)
When: 4/28 (Sun), 1:30pm
Lunch: TBD (available for a small cost)
[Photo by JoséPedro @ Flickr]