November 4, 2012

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 11.04.12


Praise and glory to you Creator, Spirit of God;
we gather together to worship at your table.

You make our bread Christ’s body
to heal and reconcile and to make us the body of Christ.

You make our wine Christ’s living sacrificial blood
to redeem the world.
You are truth.
You come like the wind, unseen, unbidden.

Like the dawn, you illuminate the world around us;
Grant us a new beginning every day.
You warm and comfort us.
You give us courage and faith and strength beyond our everyday resources.

Be with us Holy Spirit in all we say or think,
in all we do this and every day.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Lord, we have come to see that our lives fall far short of your glory.
Have mercy and forgive us.

Lord, you have given your life for us, and poured out your Spirit,
yet we fail to return your love with all our heart.
Have mercy and change us.

Too often we are selfish and proud,
ignoring you, Lord, and neglecting your call to serve others.
Have mercy and cleanse us.

Lord, when we do not truly trust and obey you,
we are overwhelmed by self-pity, fear and worry.
Have mercy and deliver us.

In Christ we are given a sure hope and secure love,
yet we follow the false hopes and desires of this world.
Have mercy and forgive us.

Father, through the redeeming death of your Son on the cross,
by your Spirit and through your word,
transform and renew us to follow you with joy.
All this we ask in your Son’s name,
confident in your unchanging faithfulness.


How have we trivialized our perspective of God?
How can we live out covenant in order to benefit others?


Go now, and celebrate and honor the name of our Lord.

When suffering comes, pray in faith.
In times of joy, sing songs of praise.
Persevere in prayer and action
to show others the grace that comes from above.

And may God save you from all that would harm you;
May Christ Jesus heal you and raise you up;
and may the Holy Spirit anoint you
and give you peace with one another.

Live this week to love and serve all,
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Marine Beccarelli @ Flickr]

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