Grace is who you are, God of every heart,
and blessed is your Son, Jesus Christ,
our Brother, our Redeemer, our Hope.
Weeping over the brokenness of your dreams for us,
he came to make us whole.
Weeping over the pain we cause, he came to heal us.
Weeping over Jerusalem, he came to bring forth
the new kingdom of peace.
Weeping over Lazarus, he wipes away the tears
of all who grieve.
Weeping over the power
of sin and death,
he left them behind at the grave,
as your Spirit raised him
to the life of your new hope.
As we remember his life, his death, his love,
as we long for the promise of our resurrection,
we join our voices
with those whose dried bones were given new life,
and all who cry out to you for hope,
singing of the glory of your name:
Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Breath of new life.
All creation waits, hoping in your Word.
Blessed is the Resurrection and the Life who comes to us.
Hosanna in the highest!
Congregational Prayer
In this season of Lent, let us pray and confess to God as a community.
Merciful God,
we come to you today realizing that we are not how you want us to be.
Help us let go of our past, that we may turn toward you
and live again the life of faith.
Merciful God,
forgive us of our sins against friends, our loved ones, our neighbors.
Help us call out our fear and hatred, our anger and self-pity.
Lift the burden they place on our shoulders.
Merciful God,
Help us set aside our guilt and enter a season of healing.
As we pray and remember you today, help us become a simple people,
that we may see you plainly.
May we learn to be a better community for each other and for our city.
Rekindle the sign of hope within our eyes,
that all may see and experience the love of Christ in all we do.
Let us draw near to you now,
asking in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Do we realize that God weeps with us in our pain and suffering?
What does resurrection and life look like for us?
Through your grace and redemption,
we have all been led from death to life.
From our graves of selfishness and pride,
we have been revived to live lives of grace and generosity.
From our catacombs of indifference and apathy,
we have been resuscitated to speak words
of encouragement and redemption.
From our tombs of self destruction and furious consumption,
we have been rejuvenated to participate in the creation and restoration
of this city and this world.
As we depart from this space,
may our journeys continue to follow your story of reconciliation,
as it envelops and surrounds those you have called the least of these.
May our voices of grace echo your calls to forgive, as we allow our thoughts and actions to convey your justice, mercy and redemption.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
— (Kevin Chen)
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Gideon Tsang @ Flickr]