We believe in God,
Creator of beauty,
source of every breath,
foundation of every movement.
God leads us beside still waters,
makes us lie down in green splendor
and lets nature heal and restore us.
We believe in Jesus, the risen Christ,
who loved the least, the last and the lost.
Christ loves us, calls us by name
and cleanses us from our sins.
We believe in the Spirit,
who gathers us in community,
gives us a song to sing and prepares a feast for us all.
We live as God’s people,
filled with everlasting hope and showered with blessings
that we may go forth into our world and serve in his name.
Congregational Prayer
In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.
God, thank you for your Spirit breaking down barriers within and without.
Barriers that distort our ability to lead a life fully integrated with you and your ways.
And yet, forgive us for the times we have deliberately resisted the Spirit’s work
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
Forgive us God for the barriers we create within ourselves,
Barriers that resist your healing work and prevent us moving toward wholeness.
Forgive our self-centeredness, our anger, our fear of change,
our lack of trust in your love.
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
Forgive us God, for the barriers we create between us and you,
Barriers that separate us from your love and the assurance of your salvation.
Forgive our business, our independence, our desire to go our own way.
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
Forgive us God, for the barriers we create between us and each other,
Barriers that separate us from neighbors near and far and inhibit
mutual love and care.
Forgive our resentment of others, our love of control, our indifference to the poor.
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
Forgive us God, for the barriers we create between us and your beautiful creation,
Barriers that abuse your world and deny our responsibility as stewards.
Forgive our greed, our misuse of resources, our pollution of your world.
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
God, by your Spirit, free us and break down these barriers.
Turn us away from the bondage of a life lived for ourselves and our own desires,
May your Spirit guide us into the freedom of life lived for you and your purposes.
Life giving spirit, God’s advocate and guide, have mercy on us.
God we go into this day knowing it is you who makes us stand firm in Christ.
We are filled with your Spirit,
We are anointed to serve,
We go out to bring resurrection life.
In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
What are some of the symptoms of our pain that we focus on rather than the source of our hurts?
How can we help support and serve each other in the midst of difficult circumstances?
Take your encouragement from Christ,
that your joy may be complete.
We will share in the Spirit;
We will find consolation in love.
Practice a ministry of humility and compassion,
For God is at work in you, empowering you.
We will welcome Christ into our hearts.
We will live lives worthy of the Gospel.
We will go forth in hope and in peace,
to serve others in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.
[Photo by Todd Antony @ Flickr]