January 2, 2011

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.02.11


O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises,
thank you for the gift of a new year.

May it be a time of grace for all we meet,
a time to grow in faith and love,
a time to renew our commitment
to following your Son, Jesus.

May it be a year of blessing for us,
a time to cherish our neighbors, family and friends,
a time to renew our efforts at work and within our city,
a time to embrace our faith more fully.

Walk with us, please,
in every day and every hour of this new year,
that the light of Christ might shine through us,
in spite of our weaknesses and failings.

We pray in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Lord God,
You are faithful, loving, worthy of trust and praise.
We are disloyal, hateful and deserve death.

Lord, we forget that you are our true source of hope and strength.
We are tempted to lean upon our own power to accomplish good
and to break the power of sin.

Lord, we will fail without your help.
Forgive us for consulting the wisdom of man
before bowing before you in prayer.

Forgive us for relying on the perishable
rather than your enduring word.

Help us to trust in your Son, Jesus,
and find rest in the promises that were made in his blood.

We plead for mercy and pray in confidence
to our God in community, holy in One.


What is your “Logos”, purpose in life? Is Jesus your logos?
How might you encounter the incarnation this week?
What are some realities in your life that keep you from encountering the Incarnate God, Jesus?


Go now, as the Spirit of God has called you:

to be a people of grace,
to be a people of truth,
to be a people who pursue peace,

to be a people who forgive
and to be a people who love.

May God lead and guide us this year
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
Happy New Year and see you throughout the week.

[Photo by Ralpheyesee @ Flickr]

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