January 13, 2011

AISD Might Close Nine Austin Schools

AISD recently announced that a task force proposed to shut down nine Austin schools in order to help the district run more efficiently. Almost all of these schools earned an Exemplary rating this past year. Last night at a public forum, families and teachers shared from their hearts in reaction to this proposal.

Some of our kids at Vox currently go to one of these schools. They and their neighbor’s kids will all be impacted by this decision, so please pray for the schools, neighborhoods and task force.

*** If you would like to voice your thoughts and ask them to strongly reconsider shutting down these local neighborhood schools, leave your comments here. ***

[Photo by Pwsteal.Ldpinch.D* @ Flickr]

Here's What others have said:

  1. Karen Tsang

    Link to this comment

    Ortega Elementary, our school, and Oak Springs Elementary, even though they have risen to become Exemplary schools, are proposed to close down 2014-15. Ortega has become the best school in the area, we are an Exemplary school for the past 2 years, because their TAKS testing has risen to 93-100%. The whole school and community is really upset about this, but we lack the knowledge, connections, computers, internet and skills to gain appropriate attention, like contacting and getting the voice of our representatives to help plead our case. We’re trying to do everything we can to help keep Ortega open!

    Like our Facebook Page and see updates and more info:

    & Please sign our ipetition:

    We are in 2 of the LOWEST household median income areas in ALL OF AUSTIN, and AISD wants to close the best schools in the area, Ortega and Oak Springs, and shift students to lower performing schools because their capacity is larger. In closing Ortega, students will be forced to attend a school which is struggling to keep it’s own students performing above average, but it is projected to be 126% overcrowded in 2 years if that happens! I think it’s a great injustice to remove our 2 best schools that are really their only hope for a better future.


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