August 1, 2010

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 8.1.10


Lord, you made all things,
and you made us in your image,
and saw that it was good.

We thank you
for your work of creation,
for the beauty we enjoy,
for human skill and artistry.

We thank you
for community, friendship and love,
for family and marriage,
for the privilege of parenthood.

And above all we thank you
for Jesus, your Son,
through whom you created all things,
and by whom you sustain them.

We thank you
that he became one of us and died
to reconcile all creation to you,
in heaven and on earth,
and to call us into peace with you.

May we take our gratitude and pour back the love
you have given us
to a world in need of hope,
and a world in need of peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us confess to God as a community.

Lord, we have come to see that our lives fall far short of your glory.
Have mercy and forgive us.

You have given your life for us, and poured out your Spirit,
yet we fail to return your love to others with all our heart.
Have mercy and change us.

Too often we are selfish and proud,
ignoring you, Lord, and neglecting others for our own causes.
Have mercy and cleanse us.

Lord, when we do not truly trust and obey you,
we are overwhelmed by self-pity, fear and worry.
Have mercy and deliver us.

In Christ we are given a sure hope and secure love,
yet we follow the false hopes and desires of this world.
Have mercy and forgive us.

Father, through the redeeming death of your Son on the cross,
by your Spirit and through your word,
transform and renew us to follow you with joy.

All this we ask, confident in your unchanging faithfulness,
God in community, holy in One.


How do you view your current life as ordinary?
What areas of our lives do we need to practice moderation?
What are some of the gifts in our lives that we need to thank God for?


No matter how low you are or have been,
There is always something in you that is rising,
Lifting you to a new vision of what is possible.

We will trust that God accepts us as we are
And patiently points us to what we may be.

In this we are not alone, for God has given us all of creation
To inspire us, to sustain us, and to demonstrate God’s loving presence.

As faithful followers of Christ, we will join with creation;
In all our actions, we too, will demonstrate the love of God.

Take this with you: that God is at work not only within us, but between us,
And together, we can realize God’s vision of a just and peaceful world.

In our hearts, in our lives, in our speech, in our deeds:
The kingdom of God is here; the kingdom of God is now.

So in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
go in peace to live the church.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Gideon Tsang @ Flickr]

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