Check out the locations below and click on the map to find out where you’re meeting. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs or email us.
A. Midtown (Wednesday @ 7pm)
[north of 35th St and west of I-35]
Contact: Patrick Sun (email | map)
B. South/Central (Wednesday @ 7pm)
[south of 35th St and west of I-35]
Contact: Dan & Becca Lew (email | map)
C. NorthEast (Tuesday @ 7pm)
[north of 12th St and east of I-35]
Contact: John Bagwell (email | map)
D. MidEast (Friday @ 5:30pm)
[between 12th St and Oak Springs and east of I-35]
Contact: Carol Lee (email | map)
E. SouthEast (Tuesday @7pm)
[south of Oak Springs and east of I-35]
Contact: Gina Bastone (email | map)
Please note that locations will rotate between host homes. Check the map or send an email to find out locations for that week.