[Vox Gathering]
This Sunday, join as at 11am as we continue our series on Advent (5619 Airport Blvd).
[Second Saturday]
Second Saturdays at 7pm tomorrow. Space12 will be opening its doors every second Saturday for crafts, documentary viewing, board games and general social excitement. Bring your board games, crochet needles and some neighbors and come hang out. (Ping pong and Foosball and other vigorous activities are also available).
Check out the details on facebook.
[Vox Getaway]
One of the many exciting parts of this weekend(Jan 11-13) is the opportunity to sit under world-class teaching. Last year we got to sit down for a few days with Chris Seay.
This coming year we have the honor of spending a few days with Dwight Friesen. He is the associate professor of practical theology at the Mars Hill Graduate School of Theology in Seattle, WA. In addition to his teaching, he is also the author of Orthoparadoxy and has written extensively for various publications.
See it as a chance to spend the weekend with friends, explore our small part in the global church and have an opportunity to get some killer graduate level teaching.
Bring your checkbooks this Sunday!!
Regular Registration Cost: $119 College Students and $150 Post Grads.
Check out the details on facebook.