February 25, 2010

[Vox News] National Pet Dental Health Month

It is speculated that the human mouth holds home to 500 different kinds of bacteria. Whether you’re eating a cheeseburger, drinking horchata, or sleeping with your mouth gaped wide open, bacteria finds itself having a pool party in your drool. Now imagine that this same mouth began using its tongue and teeth for more than just eating and breathing. What if instead of using toilet paper and a towel to clean yourself, your tongue became a reusable wet-nap. And what if instead of using a back scratcher to service that insatiable itch on your back-upper thigh, you are able to contort your body and scratch that itch with your teeth? If you are able to do either of these things, then chances are you either have an extremely liberal standard of hygiene, or you’re a domesticated animal. Either way, this month is in celebration of you and your pets mouth!! I mean, who likes it when a happy animal comes scurrying up to you, and amidst the tail wagging and high pitched squeals for attention, the odors emanating from its mouth rivals that of a human flatulent? Nobody likes a dirty mouth, so for your sake, and the sake of all things good and holy, give your pet’s mouth a cleaning during this National pet dental health month.

[Sunday Liturgy]
We live in a culture that prefers convenience over sacrifice. What does it mean to sacrifice? Over the 40 days of Lent the church historically set aside these days to remember the sacrifice of Christ through his death and resurrection on the cross. Join us these next few weeks for conversation, meditation and reflection on Christ, his sacrifice, and what sacrifice looks like in our lives. (Each of our Neighborhood groups will be giving a group sermon each Sunday during Lent.) Our Sunday Liturgy is at 11:00 AM at Space 12 (3121 East 12th Street).

[Vox Interest Groups]
When ideas and passions from within the Vox community come bubbling to the surface, we get super giddy. Not because we like bubbles, but because we are all about supporting the passions and ideas from the community that benefit the greater community and the city of Austin. Over these next few weeks, we will be highlighting a few awesome initiatives, so tune in to hear more about it and how you can get involved.

Vox Community Garden Initiative
Within the Vox community, we have some insanely green thumbs who will be getting together this Saturday to build garden beds in the open space behind Space12. If you’re interested, we will be starting at 1pm this Saturday. The hopes for this community garden is to not only build community between people at Vox, but to also create a food share market on Sunday, and to eventually branch out and get local youth and neighborhood groups involved with urban garden initiatives. If you have any questions, feel free to email Jessica.

Vox Book Club
Have you recently conquered Hooked On Phonics and are looking for an outlet to utilize your new found skills? Do you have a fever, and the only remedy is more cowbell and some books? If this is you, then come check out the Vox Book Club. The plan is to meet regularly to discuss some great literary works as well as share community amidst the mental workouts. We are still working on the specific, so stay tuned for more details. In the mean time, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact John Bagwell or Nick Deere.

[Global Updates]
With the global landscape ever changing, it would be foolish to think that our little pocket of life in Central Texas is all that matters. As a small molecule in the global Church, we desire to continue our global partnerships as well as highlight different things people from the Vox community are involved with around the globe. For more details on these following bits, join us this Sunday to catch a glimpse on what Vox is doing around the globe.

By now, all of you have probably heard of the heart breaking devastation that happened in Haiti. We mourn the loss of life and pray for healing and redemption to move into this country that has been ravaged by war and natural disaster. If you are interested in finding out more about the needs in Haiti and how you can help, check out the resources found here. And for more details on other global partnerships, visit the website for update, as well as finding out how you can be involved.

We recently received an update from one of our global partners at Kannagi Nagar Slum in India. We have received great encouragement from their update and are really excited to see how God continues to move through them in a place that is desperate for hope, grace and second chances. To read more about the amazing things that are happening there thanks to all of your generosity and support, check it out here.

From Match 4th to 19th, two people from out Vox community will be leaving for Ethiopia and working with an organization called ‘Doctors Giving Back’. Delphine Lee and Glen Lam will be joining a team of doctors and volunteers to serve the regions of Addis Ababa and Assosa by bringing 100 lbs of medical supplies, working in the clinics, and doing some construction work in the Assosa hospital that serves 1 million Ethiopians. Join us this Sunday to hear their stories and to pray for them as they embark on their 2 week journey to Ethiopia.

[Reading Recommendations]
Recently, we finished our conversation through Paul’s letter to the Romans and discussed Paul’s reference to the Roman community as, “complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another” (15:14). The word ‘complete‘ was often used in the ancient world as a sailing term, whenever the wind would fill (complete) the sail and propel the boat towards the open seas. In the same way, our hope is to become a community where our knowledge propels us to where God is moving in the world. As a tool to help us move in this direction, we compiled a list of suggested readings which can be found here.

[Greenhouse Needs You]
We’re looking for people to help teach the next generation at Vox. So if you love hanging out kids, reading stories, doing crafts, or love hearing the funniest things come out of kids’ mouths, then Greenhouse is the place for you.

Nursery: 0-3 years
Seedlings: Pre-K to 2nd Grade
Roots: 3rd Grade and up

There’s a wide range of commitment levels so contact Rachel for more info and to get involved. And be sure to check out the video promo.

[Generosity Report – January]
We’re grateful for the generous community that we have. Your generosity allows us to be generous to the city of Austin and the world around us. For the details of January’s giving, you can download the report here. If you have any questions please email Michelle.

[Online Giving]
We’ve always wanted to exercise generosity by giving out as much as we can to those around us who are in need. If you would like to partner financially with Vox in this mission, we have several options for you.

1. Bill Pay through own bank.
2. EFT signup is available online.
3. credit card through google checkout.
4. snail mail

For more information, please click here.

[Rides to Vox]
If you live on campus and are in need of a ride on Sunday morning to join us for Liturgy, please email us and we’ll hook you up. If you could send an email by 11pm on Friday, that would be greatly appreciated.

[Spring Neighborhoods]
Spring Neighborhoods is in full swing, friends!! We would love to invite everyone to plug into a neighborhood this year and live the church with those around you. Our neighborhoods will be organized by geography, so whatever part of town you live, we have a group for you!! Check out the map to see when and where each neighborhood group meets.

MidTown – Wednesdays, 7pm
Central – Sundays, 1pm
South – Tuesdays, 7pm
East (Wed) – Wednesdays, 7pm
East (Sat) – Saturdays, 10:30am

Any question? Check out the website, map or email us.

[Lost and Found]
No, we’re not referring to the band whose song ‘Lions’ features the slinky as a percussion instrument. We’re referring to the bin of unclaimed goodies and homeless artifacts located next to the water cooler by the bar at Space12. If you think you may have left something at Space12, chances are it’s been put into the lost and found bin. At the end of each month, we plan on donating the contents of the lost and found bin, so please check to make sure you haven’t misplaced anything you don’t mind passing along to those who can use it.

[Getting Involved with Vox]
Have you always wanted to get more involved with Vox but haven’t known how? Do you have a passion or vision for something that Vox isn’t currently involved in? If you answered YES to either of these questions, then this is for you!! We would love to help you get more involved with what’s happening in the Vox community, as well as come along side your passion and vision to help it leave the dream realm and give it life. If this at all interests you, please let us know by sending us an email.

[Won’t You Be My Friend?]
Hi, my name is Vox Veniae, and this is my cousin Space 12. I’m 4 years old, and Space just turned one a little while ago. We’re very friendly, housebroken and love our bellies rubbed. We would like to be friends with you!! We promise to not Zombie bite you, nor will we ask you to join our kingdom. We just want to be your friend because that will make us happy. Click here to add Vox as a friend and here to add Space12 as a friend.

You might be wondering what this acronym stands for. Well, allow me to spill the beans!! WYOMP stands for ‘Wash Your Own Mugs, Please ‘. One of the new perks of having our liturgy at Space12 is the plethora of mugs and drinking utensils at our disposal. Unfortunately, when the liturgy is over and the snacks are all consumed, the once clean cups are left dirty and all alone in the sink. If you could, after you have finished enjoying the delightful snacks and beverages, please lend a hand with washing the mugs and drinkware. That would be greatly appreciated.

[Photo by John Steven Fernandez @ Flickr]

This post needs your thoughts.