Stories tagged:
spiritual growth

Great Questions

Gideon Tsang explores how Jesus seems to value questions more than he does answers and why questions are essential to a healthy faith [Matthew 21:23-32]. Reflection: How can you embrace your questions of Scripture and faith? How can you celebrate a mistake, wrong answer, or failure as part of your spiritual practice? Resources: Podcast: Freakonomics: That’s a Great Question Book: […]

Keeping the Wound Clean

Gena Minnix talks about what a meaningful response to violence might look like and the invitation Jesus gives us through one of his stories [Matthew 21:33-46]. Reflection: What are some helpful responses to human violence? What violence needs to die inside me so something else can be reborn? Resources: Model: Drama Triangle Podcast: Why Should we Treat Violence Like a […]

Liturgy: Benediction

As we finish our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Weylin Lee reflects on the Benediction and the blessings that we’re still experiencing and being sent out with [Hebrews 13:20-21]. Reflection: How can we create peace one person at a time? How do we respond to the fact that who we are pleases God and that he loves […]

Liturgy: Eucharist

As we continue our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Gideon Tsang reflects on the Eucharist and how God is reconciling us to love [2 Corinthians 5:18-21]. Reflection What do we do in exchange for our worthiness? How can we be ambassadors of a God who doesn’t count sins? Resources MWG: Discussion Guide

Liturgy: Scripture

As we continue our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, theologian James Alison considers the historical and cultural context of how we read and interpret Scripture [Mark 3:1-6]. Reflection: How can we read the Scriptures through Jesus our Rabbi? What ways can we be invited into the story of redemption this week? Resources: Website: James Alison MWG: Discussion […]

Liturgy: Confession

As we continue our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Jason Minnix explores how true confession is related to our need for healing and reconnects us with who we really are [Luke 18:9-14]. Reflection: What would it look like to confess my need for healing today? Where do I need mercy to help me reconnect with who I […]

Liturgy: Doxology

As we begin our fall vision series on our rhythms of liturgy, Gideon Tsang reflects on how we know God and why love is the deepest form of knowing [1 John 4:7-12]. Reflection: What images come to mind when you think of God? How does the act of loving help you understand God? Resources: MWG: Discussion Guide