Stories tagged:

Sabbath Sunday [June 2]

To allow our staff and volunteers a rhythm of rest during the Summer months, each of the first Sundays of the month in June, July and August we will not be holding our normal liturgy service at Vesper. We’ll instead offer an opportunity for connection outside the church walls. Our first Sabbath Sunday is this week, on June 2. We’ll […]

Rest and Contemplation

To the Vox community,  In Vox’s 14 years of existence, this is the most significant disruption to our weekly rhythm of liturgy. We as a staff miss being together with you all face to face. Know that our love and prayers are with you. This is our hope for us as we finish the lenten season apart in person, but together […]

Watered Garden

Jason Minnix explores how prayer, justice, and rest work together and how they are all woven together [Isaiah 58:9-14]. Reflection How can I invite God’s presence into suffering today? Where do I sense small sips of rest? Spiritual Practice Invite God’s presence into our suffering and needs. Set aside 1 hour a week to make a list of your needs.  […]

The Nature of Rest

Jason Minnix speaks about rest through a relational lens of how we are connected to each other and God [Isaiah 58:8-14]. Reflection: What might it look like to mindfully leave space in my week to respond to those who are in suffering? What does rest look like for me this week, and how might I entrust my long-term desires to […]

Rhythm of Sabbath

This past Sunday, Jason Minnix spoke about the practice of Sabbath and rest. In order to help with this necessary rhythm in our lives, he offered a practical tool.  We are created to work 6 days and rest 1 day.  Just as work can be many different things so can rest.  Consider the following chart as a way to map […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.19.11

Liturgy We believe in God, Creator of beauty, source of every breath, foundation of every movement. God leads us beside still waters, makes us lie down in green splendor and lets nature heal and restore us. We believe in Jesus, the risen Christ, who loved the least, the last and the lost. Christ loves us, calls us by name and […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.08.11

Liturgy Christ is risen: The world below lies desolate Christ is risen: The spirits of evil are fallen Christ is risen: The angels of God are rejoicing Christ is risen indeed from the dead, the first of the sleepers, Glory and power are his forever and ever. In God’s greatest sacrifice, we are given a new birth and inheritance through […]