Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.15.12

Liturgy Love has its source in you, Creator God. It flows from you like an ocean into a world as unyielding as any shoreline cliff. And like the ocean which batters, erodes and wears away even the hardest stone, your love persists, finds cracks and inlets in hardened hearts and flows inside and works a miracle. Who would think that […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.08.12

Liturgy This is the day, when tears are wiped away; shattered hearts are mended and fears are replaced with joy. This is the day our Lord rolls away the stone of fear, throws off death’s clothes and goes ahead of us into God’s future. This is the day the Lord has made: death has no fear over us; sin has […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.01.12

Liturgy The King is coming. Our God arrives, clothed in frail human flesh, riding a meek donkey’s foal. Yet, this is not the first time you have come to us, O God. The history of human affairs is the history of your arrival among us, As Creator, Purpose-Giver, Liberator, Prophet’s voice and Priest’s desire. The story of each of our […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.25.12

Liturgy In the presence of the Holy whose word has called the universe into being, we stand in awe. In the presence of the Spirit that stirs within us and causes our hearts to thirst for love, we stand in need. In your presence, Giver of life, we come to worship, open to truth and love and wholeness. Be with […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.18.12

Liturgy O God of our hearts, You yearn to be so close to us that we can know you in every breath, in every hope, in every relationship. Meet us this week and teach us to recognize the covenant of justice, peace and love you have written on our hearts. May your desires become our desires, your work become our […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.11.12

Liturgy Come, O God, come near. For we who were one time far off, are drawn close by the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. He is our peace, who has made us one and has broken down the wall between us. We come to you, no longer as strangers or foreigners, but as fellow citizens with the saints and […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.04.12

Liturgy Lord God, make us pilgrims throughout these forty days. Lead us through discipline to discipleship. Jesus, remember us when you come into your kingdom. We offer you our prayers this day: For your church around the world, we ask for new life. For all who carry out ministries in your church, we ask for grace and wisdom. For people […]