Liturgy Let us begin our time together with a breath,And with a breath, begin a time to relax and be freewithin the sanctuary of God’s divine authority.Our response will be highlighted in yellow. Release us, merciful God, from ourfalse impressions of Your divine authority. You do not press down with force.You do not belittle. You do not shame.You do not […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.03.13
Liturgy God of justice, peace, and righteousness,be in our midst this morning.Breathe your breath, your Spirit of life,your energy, your enlivening,your imagination on us. Wake us up, open our eyes,Open our mouths, and unplug our earsthat we might hear, that we might see,that we might taste, that we might grieve,that we might dream, that we might followthe ways of your […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.03.06
Liturgy As an opening prayer of lament in themidst of a pandemic and suffering: For those who are lost, we mourn.For all that is broken, we cry out.With those who weep, we weep.Suffering Servant, hear our prayer. For all who are alone, we invite your presence.For we who are trapped inside, we ask your freedom.For those without a safe place, […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.02.27
Liturgy Beloved community, let’s begin our timetogether with a calming, restorative breath. The old stories of this earth repeatagain and again: War and rumors of war,Bombs, bloodshed, and destruction.Oh God, hear our lament. The old stories repeat:Children removed from their families,refugees fleeing their homes,The land stolen and exploited.Oh God, hear our lament. The old stories fail us. These arethe stories […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.02.20
Liturgy Blessed are you, Vox family.Let us begin our liturgy with a prayer.Our responses are highlighted in yellow. Breathe deeply inAnd slowly out.You have arrived.You are here with us,With God,In this moment. Amen! We breathe in God’s peace. We lean towards God.God leans toward us.Neither grief nor loss,Nor distance nor time,Nor error nor injusticecan separate us from the love of […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.02.13
Liturgy O Loving and Embodied God,may we embrace with childlikespirits and softened hearts yoursacred truth of resurrection hope. Our minds are steadied,abiding in your revelation –that the Final Word isnot death – but LIFE. May this radical reality flow through us –flow inwards to our centers-flow outwards to each other. May your hope move through us –a constant stream of […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2022.02.06
Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy with a prayer.Our responses will be highlighted in yellow. God of Mystery,as the piano dances a melodyalongside a vocalist, so youaccompany us in our life song. The cello joins in, a welcome bass,a fluttering violin, at times, orchestral unity,in a moment, indignant cacophony,Through it all, you are with us. We come longing for harmonyunsure […]