Stories tagged:

Living the Questions

Jason Minnix gives us a framework of how questions play a prominent role in our lives. John 3. Reflection: How can we be a place that cherishes questions? How can questions lead us to transformation?

Covenant Member Stories

Listen to stories of Catie Johnston, Jon Ellison and Parker Short who have committed to being a Covenant Member with Vox. Reflection: How can you live a life of covenant and commitment in our culture today? What are some ways to partner with Vox using your gifts and abilities?

Rediscovering Evangelism – Invitation to Submit

Gideon continues a conversation on Evangelism. 1 Peter 3:13-15. Reflection: What are ways we can excel in becoming servants to those in the city of Austin? What would our dialogues and conversations with others about Christ look like if they were shaped by gentleness and humility?

Rediscovering Evangelism – Invitation to Follow

Gideon begins a conversation on Evangelism.  John 1:35-39. Reflection: How can we point people to Jesus? What does it look like to invite our friends to transformation and healing? How can we invite others and participate in God’s story now?

Ordinary Weeks – Teach Us to Pray

Sam Myrick continues in the Ordinary Weeks of the Lectionary.  [Luke 11:1-10] Reflection: How persistent is our practice of prayer? How can we listen and be silent in our times of prayer?

Ordinary Weeks – Pursuing the Presence of God

Weylin continues in the Ordinary Weeks of the Lectionary. [2 Samuel 6:1-16] Reflection: Is the presence of God an inconvenience for you or do you see it as something worth pursuing and sacrificing for? In what areas of our lives does the presence of God confront our obedience?