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Lent – Lectio Divina

We participate in the practice of Lectio Divina as we continue to observe the season of Lent. [Mark 14:32-42] Reflection: What words or phrases stand out to you in this text? How can we live out this text in our current context and lives?

Lent – Wandering

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Lent. [Luke 15:11-32] Reflection: How do the older and younger brother show themselves in our own lives? In our wandering lives how do we receive and give the grace of Christ?

Lent – Repent

John Chandler continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Lent. [Luke 13:1-9] Reflection: How can we view repentance as an invitation to change our mind and turn ourselves to life the way God intended? What is God inviting us into and what will we do?

Lent – Greatness

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we continue to observe the season of Lent. [Luke 9:28-43] Reflection: How does our image and perspective to God need to change in order to view the greatness of God? What are some areas of our lives that need conversion?

Lent – Fasting

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we start the season of Lent. [Luke 4:1-13] Reflection: How can we place ourselves in a state of dependency this season of Lent? How can we use our resources to serve others instead of serving ourselves?

Epiphany – Homecoming

John Chandler continues from the Lectionary as we are in the season of Epiphany. [Luke 4:14-29] Reflection: How can we embrace others to remove the division and labeling of “us” versus “them”? How can we live in a way that instigates jubilee for those in need?

Epiphany – Meditate

Gideon continues from the Lectionary as we are in the season of Epiphany. [Psalms 19] Reflection: How can we see the beauty and artistry of God in our enemies? How can we submit ourselves to Scripture so that we can experience the person of God?