Stories tagged:

Posture of Belonging

Gideon and Jason Minnix discuss attachment styles, Mary & Martha in Luke 10:38-42, and their vision for community at Vox. Reflection: What is your posture when connecting to God and community? What does practicing secure attachment look like in these coming weeks?

Theology of Work

John Chandler discusses what it means to be called. Reflection: What is it in you that you have to do? What is God doing this week and how can you participate?


Gideon moderates as we hear stories from our community about how they’ve seen the Holy Spirit in their lives and the lives of those around them. [Psalm 68:4-6] Reflection: How is the Holy Spirit working in your life today? What stories come to mind when you think of what God is doing in your daily life?


Gideon speaks about humility. [1 Peter 5] Reflection: What does it look like to clothe yourself with humility this week? Who can you practice gratitude with today?

Invitation: God’s Story

Weylin continues the conversation of Invitation from earlier in the spring and reflects on how we can share and invite other’s into God’s story. [Acts 17:22-31] Reflection: How can we listen to the stories of those around us? Who have we have assumed are closed to the story of God? How would you articulate the gospel and the story of […]

Easter – Sheep

Gideon continues in the Lectionary as we observe the season of Easter and reflect on how we listen to the voice of Jesus. [John 10:1-6] Reflection: How do you listen to the voice of Jesus? When was the last time you were known and loved? What does confession look like for you?

Everybody To Emmaus

Carrie Graham shares with us the experience of the two disciples who unknowingly encountered Christ on their way to Emmaus. [Luke 24:13-35] Reflection: How can we see Jesus in those around us and the circumstances we encounter? Who are the strangers that we need to extend hospitality to?