Stories tagged:

Vision: Affection

As we continue our vision series, Gideon Tsang speaks about worship and our ability to communicate gratitude and affection to God. [Genesis 4:1-9] Reflection: How did your family of origin communicate affection? Why might learning to communicate affection to God be a healthy practice for us? How can we practice communicating affection in our lives both individually and as a […]

Vision: Belonging

As we continue our vision series, Jason Minnix speaks about community and our need for belonging. [Genesis 4:1-9] Reflection: In what ways can we participate in belonging and being known to each other? How can we practice emotional literacy and understand our emotions and those of others in finding community?

Vision: Formation

As we continue our vision series, Weylin speaks about the tensions we encounter with our spiritual formation. [Genesis 3:1-10] Reflection: What do the choices that we make say about the leadership in our lives? Are we willing to be found by God in whatever condition we are in?

Vision: Work

As we continue our vision series, Gideon speaks about how our work and calling is sacred. [Genesis 2] Reflection: Through our work, how do we choose to lead well or lead poorly? How do we help redeem those who are under bad leadership?

Vision: Origins

As we start our vision series, Gideon Tsang speaks about our origins. [Genesis 1] Reflection: How does your origin story intersect with God’s narrative?


Reflection: What does it look like to be devoted to other people who follow Christ? How can you bless someone who’s hurt you?


Reflection: Are you in a place of connection or disconnection with God in this season? What might it look like to take a risk towards reconnection this week?