Stories tagged:

Parking At Our New Space

Beginning on January 6th, we will be holding liturgy at our new home on 3106 East 14 1/2 St. Our new space has limited parking, so if possible, try to share rides or use an alternative set of wheels to get to Vox. For those that are driving, here are a few tips for parking on Sunday morning: Parking is […]

Parking on Sundays

As our community grows, so does the need for parking on Sundays. If possible, try to share rides or use an alternative set of wheels (bike, skateboard, scoot, or disco roller skate parade) to get to Vox. For those that do drive on Sundays, a few tips for parking on Sunday morning: Park in the Space 12 lot or the […]

Biking and Carpooling on Sundays

In the past few weeks, we’ve been getting tight on parking spaces. A great way to help alleviate this situation is through some good old fashion exercise. So if you’re able to, we encourage you to bike over to Space12 on Sundays. And if not, consider carpooling with people that live nearby. If you show up late and the parking […]