Moment of truth, friends. When you discovered today was Spooner Day, what came to mind? Did you: a) Think about the natural resting position of two people sharing a bed? b) Dream of those beautifully rounded feating utensils that come in handy while throwing down some soup or ice cream? c) Have an error in speech or deliberate play on […]
Stories tagged:

[Vox News] Rabbit Week Edition
Regardless of where you’ve seen ’em, Rabbits of all shapes and sizes are probably one of the greatest furry animal in the world. Whether you’ve seen ’em nibbling grass on the side of the road or hopping around and escaping a predator in pursuit, rabbits seem to have a way of looking great while doing menial activities. Maybe they took […]
[Vox News] A/C Appreciation Days Edition
Unless you live in places like Australia or South Africa where your winter occurs during our summer, ’tis the season that Nelly was rapping about in his chart topping, I-Hate-The-Summer-Heat jingle ‘Hot In Herre’ where he offers up meteorological advice to all his fans and listeners to begin removing garments of clothing so as to reduce one’s body temperature. And […]
[Vox News] Canada Day, Eh? Edition
With great pride and overactive saliva glands, we acknowledge you, our dear brethren and sistren of the massive land mass known as Canada. Your love for hockey, curling and beaver tails has been a world wide inspiration. Your popular agricultural exports of Sugar, Lumber and Steve Nash help us believe that we too can contribute great things to the world. […]
Summer Hoods Kickoff
During the rest of the summer, our neighborhood groups will be meeting up and exploring the history and different expressions of prayer. We’re consolidating geographic areas for the summer, so we’ll have 3 groups that you can plug into. We’ll be kicking off our summer hoods this Sunday right after liturgy on July 4 @ Space12 from 12:30pm – 2:00pm. […]
[Vox News] Dairy Alternative Month Edition
Dear Readers, I would like to invite you into a nightmarishly painful scenario that millions of people around the world suffer from on a daily basis. Hopefully through this cry for help, you will be able to stand in solidarity with us as we deal with a bodily malfunction that requires much support and encouragement. You’ve guessed it, this said […]
Lent: Sacrifice
Sacrifice. We live in a culture that prefers convenience over sacrifice. What does it mean to sacrifice? What does it look like to give up something because you love someone? What did it feel like for God to sacrifice His son in order to redeem the world? How can we sacrifice our lives to our city and world as Christ […]