Join us for our second Covenant Member Retreat May 17th, 2012 from 10am-6pm at the Sony Online Entertainment offices (on 360 & Bluffstone)! RSVP on Facebook After five years under our belt, many learned lessons and an abundance of God’s grace, we are excited to invite participants in the Vox community to covenant with us as members. We think it is […]
Stories tagged:
member news

Navigation Team Profile: Jenny Ford
Favorite Movie: Royal Tenenbaums, Lars and the Real Girl, Away We Go Favorite Ice Cream: Strawberry Bio: I grew up in Odessa, Tx with my dad (Jim), mom (Denise), little sister (Emily), and poodle (Sweet Ebony). My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was young and passed away when I was in high school . The trial of her […]
Covenant Member Recap
Growing up one of the defining Japanese imports of the 80’s was a cartoon whereby a fabulous super robot defended humanity from evil. What was unique about this super robot was unlike Robocop, where a deceased individual was converted into a machine, or R2D2 who was cute but honestly, limited, Votron was a collaboration. Votron was a group of smaller […]
Navigation Team Nominations
The Navigation Team is looking for visionary (big picture and/or systemic thinkers) leaders (people naturally follow them) who are: 1. Tested in their faith 2. Effective communicators of God’s story 3. Strong in reputation and character (both within and outside of Vox) 4. Strong relationally (family and friendships) 5. Living intentional & disciplined lives 6. Hospitable and generous (for more […]
Covenant Member Retreat
Join us for our very first Covenant Member Retreat January 28th, 2012 from 10am-6pm at SPACE12! After five years under our belt, many learned lessons and an abundance of God’s grace, we are excited to invite participants in the Vox community to covenant with us as members. We think it is important to distinguish a covenant from a contract. A […]
2011-12 Purpose Statement
2011-12 Purpose Statement [To see questions and feedback that were addressed to the Navigation Team in regards to this purpose statement, please click here. If you have any additional questions, please email us.] As Vox Veniae enters its 6th year of existence, the community has taken some time to both reflect on its past and prepare for its future. Our […]
2011-12 Proposed Purpose Statement
2011-12 Proposed Purpose Statement As Vox Veniae enters its 6th year of existence, the community has taken some time to both reflect on its past and prepare for its future. Our reflection has yielded a deep appreciation for the unique and, in many ways, unexpected place God has granted this very small community in the global Body of Christ. Our […]