Liturgy Holy God, you are astounding. At the end of all your surprises, you send among us the One who was crucified, dead and buried, and risen into glory. He comes now as a living Lord, defying our locked doors, banishing our fears, greeting us with peace, and overwhelming us with awe and wondering love. How paltry is our vaunted […]
Stories tagged:
Martin Ban [Apr 25 & 26]
This weekend Martin Ban will join us as our guest speaker at the Leadership Retreat and for Sunday liturgy. Martin is the founding pastor of Christ Church in Sante Fe, NM. Pastoring in an American city with a specific culture, Christ Church has lived God’s story in Sante Fe in an indigenous way. He will be joining us for the […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.19.2015
Liturgy We are not eye-witnesses to an event, as were Mary and the disciples; we have not journeyed through a dangerous city to seek answers or consolation; we have not seen angels gathering at the rim of this day, or wept in the garden that morning because we could not find Him. But we are here to attest to a […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.12.2015
Liturgy We believe in God who speaks through the prophets and lifts our gaze up to high and beautiful paths and peaks. We believe in Christ Jesus, free of corruption yet willingly numbered among the sinners, baptized in the waters of the Jordan. We believe in the Spirit who rested on Jesus like a dove, and who inspired him with […]
Holy Week 2015
As the global Church has journeyed through this season of Lent, we find ourselves stepping into the heart of what defines the word Christian. During the final week of Lent, we embark on what the Church has called ‘Holy Week’ where we remember, mourn and celebrate the life, death and eventual resurrection of Jesus. We’ve been invited to practice […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.22.2015
Liturgy Almighty and ever-present Father, your watchful care reaches from end to end and orders all things in such power, that even the tensions and the tragedies of sin can not frustrate your loving plans. Help us to embrace your will, give us the strength to follow your call, so that your truth may live in our hearts and reflect […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 03.15.2015
Liturgy It is our greatest joy to offer you praise, God of all hope and power: you whispered your goodness, and the stars shimmered in adoration; you spoke your tenderness, and all creatures sang your name; you sang your love, and we were created in your image. But placed in the Garden of heavenly delights, we hungered for the unfruitful […]