Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.21.2015

Liturgy The Lord is a Father to us all, compassionate and merciful, filled with endless love. He is not easily angered, nor does he remain angry forever. He doesn’t convict as our sins deserve, or condemn as harshly as he could. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so strong is his love toward us. And as […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.14.2015

Liturgy Hospitable God, you invite us to a banquet where the last may be first, and the humble and the mighty trade places. Let us share your abundance with no fear of scarcity; let us greet strangers as angels you have sent. Send your Spirit now so that we may find a place at your table and welcome others with […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.07.2015

Liturgy Holy One, for all of the ways you speak to us – in the rushing wind, in dancing flames, in the words of friends and loved ones, and in all that transcends language, we give you thanks. Give us eyes to see your story, a story of redemption that works in our lives each day. Give us ears to […]

Liturgy:The Work of the People

Liturgy means the work of the people. Our goal is to increase collaboration during Sunday liturgy, so starting June 7 we will be introducing a new rhythm for our community prayers . We have three prayers read each Sunday: opening, congregational confession, and the benediction. Everyone will be invited to participate in liturgy through our new practice of prayer reading. […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.24.2015

Liturgy Do not give easy or unthinking response to this day’s call to worship. For today we acknowledge God’s Spirit within us, that we may speak the truth, and dream dreams, and see visions. We gather together in the presence of God to offer our praise and our prayers. We come before God with confidence, knowing that even when we […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.17.2015

Liturgy Here today there is Love, freely available to all. Not our human loving, fragile and intermittent, but God’s supreme love. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth, break forth into joyous songs of praise. Here today is Love, higher than our loftiest hopes, deeper than the immensities of time and space, God’s inclusive love. Let the […]

Easter VII: Ascension

Gideon Tsang speaks about how Jesus advocates for the broken and oppressed as well as each of us. [John 17:6-19] Reflection: How do we distinguish God’s protection as conservationism instead of conservatism? How do we pursue a mind of joy? How can we live according to God’s original design and purpose? Resources: Video: Larry Wilmore Meets With Gangs Article:The Real […]