Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.01.26

Liturgy Meet us, O Christ, in the stillness of this morning. Move us, O Spirit, to quiet our hearts. Mend us, O Father, from yesterday’s harms. From the discords of yesterday, resurrect our peace. From the discouragements of yesterday, resurrect our hope. From the weariness of yesterday, resurrect our strength. From the doubts of yesterday, resurrect our faith. From the […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.01.19

Liturgy God our Father – Giver of good gifts and Lifter of the downtrodden – equip us to relax in your love. We come to this moment weary, we begin and end our weeks with achy joints, creaky souls, and loves strained to breaking. Both in the church and in the world, we have been told to earn our keep. […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.01.12

Liturgy With the rising of the sun, life rises again within us, O God. In the dawning of the morning light, you lead us from the mists of night into the clarity of the day. In the new light of this day, bring us to a clearer knowing of the mystery that first bore us from the dark. Bring us […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.01.05

Liturgy Good and gracious God, come dwell among us today. Let us take a breath to welcome your spirit. [Pause for the congregation to take a breath] Expand our hearts as we encounter you this morning. Open them wide enough for the whole of creation. Let us touch for a brief moment the eternal and cosmic force of Christ’s redemption […]

Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2019.12.29

Liturgy As we enter into this time and space, let us invite our bodies and minds to settle in. Let us feel our feet grounding, and our breath inviting Life. We are wired to be pattern-makers, pattern-writers, pattern-interpreters. We use our patterns to learn and find meaning. God, show us your hand in the patterns we’ve learned. When our patterns […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.12.22

Liturgy Beloved church family, let this morning be a time of slowing. Let us find a moment to pause and rest, to practice patience and experience peace. May our liturgy today be a healing balm for the busyness of this season. Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation. We see the darkness and feel the cold, but also, we […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2019.12.15

Liturgy Today is the third Sunday of Advent, and we light the third candle of Advent for Joy. Welcome to this shared space of awareness and anticipation of how divine joy has come and is coming. As you feel safe and comfortable, you are invited to pause for a moment. Allow your body to soften. Allow your mind to find […]