Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.09

Liturgy Holy One, we gather today in prayerfor a multitude of needs in our world. Yet, we can not merely prayto you, O God, to end war;For we know that you have made the worldin a way that people must find their own pathto peace within themselves and with their neighbors. We can not merely pray to you,O God, to […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.02

Liturgy We gather this morning without really gathering.Not like we used to, anyway.Some of us are isolated,some of us can’t get a moment alone.How can we connect without presence? In togetherness, there is God.In solitude, there is God. Your suffering is seen.Your work is known.Your joy is justified.Your tears are sanctified. Where we seek God, there she is.Where we seek […]

Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.07.26

Liturgy Vox, we gather at this time around our television,phone, and computer screens to experienceGod and connect with each other.But to connect requires participation. Just as easily, we distract and disconnectfrom the world using the same screens. As individuals and inhabitants of this world,we share the mysterious, unique, andcomplex experience of being human. Through this shared experiencewe are never alone, […]

Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.07.19

Liturgy As we gather this morning we invite youinto a moment of silence and stillness.Find your balance, relax your shoulders,release tension hiding in your jaw and neck. Begin to find your breath,and open up your diaphragm.Feel the air coming into your body,filling you up like a beach ball. Begin to breathe more deeply.As you release, exhale slowly. Engage your voice, […]

Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.07.12

Liturgy Vox, God has an open invitation for all of us today.God invites us to receive and embracethe gift of our imperfect humanity. Open your hearts, Vox.Accept this invitationto be just as you are. Accept this invitationto listen, learn, move andbe moved by our brothers andsisters stories and experiences. Accept this invitationto love yourself and one anothertenderly, knowing we are […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.07.05

Liturgy We live among so manydistractions, even good ones.We often don’t notice you. Gracious God, extend us your quietand your stillness, so that we havespace to find you. We are quick to rely only on ourselves,To be consumed by our worries and ourproblems. We often ignore you. Compassionate God, grant us your peace.Take our burdens and make them light. Give […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.06.28

Liturgy Vox friends, from both near and far,welcome to this space and community. Welcome to all your beginnings, middles, and ends –within this year, within this week, within each new day. Let us take a moment to acknowledge this space and time. This morning, let us welcome a brilliant,new understanding of God’s presence.Let us welcome all the ways God willshow […]