Jennifer Cumberbatch reflects on how we wait as we wait in the liturgy of our lives during this season of Lent [Malachi 3:1-4]. Reflection What areas are you called to act as priest and mediator in your spheres of influence? What areas are you invited to expand the kingdom of God? Resources Song: And He Shall Purify (Handel’s Messiah: A […]
Stories tagged:
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.02.14
Liturgy Transformation doesn’t happen whenwe look ahead. It is something we onlysee in hindsight. This morning you areinvited into this space. All of you,All parts of you,All chapters of your story. As we pick up the piecesof ourselves, invite them in.Let them gather around you.All parts of you are welcome here. You were welcome then,You are welcome now.Welcome yourselfto sit […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.02.07
Liturgy God, Creator, Healer,We receive today yourinvitation to community,to participate in your divine being,to rest in your embrace. We come as we are, wholly beloved by you.We bring our joys.We bring our sorrows.We bring our fears. We come as we are, seeking healing and new life.We give our bodies.We give our minds.We give our hearts. We come as we are, […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.31
Liturgy Let us begin our time together with a breath,And with a breath, begin a time to relax and be freewithin the sanctuary of God’s divine authority.Our response will be highlighted in yellow. Release us, merciful God, from ourfalse impressions of Your divine authority. You do not press down with force.You do not belittle. You do not shame.You do not […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.24
Liturgy Vox, let us go now to the waters. Let’s see the river,they say it looks like diamonds.Let’s watch as the streams fallfrom the Lamb’s courts. Who is there to meet us? We, who are exhausted,we, who are in angst,we, who are thirsty, Who is there to comfort us? Your body and your breath,say “Come”. Take freely from the waters,take […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.17
Liturgy We come to you, O God, with a “beginner’s mind,”not assuming we know how to listen,not assuming we know how to speak,but knowing the transformative poweryou have given us when one humanspeaks Truth and another human listens. God, here we are. Teach us to listen.God, here we are. Teach us to speak. God of Love, we long to hear […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.01.10
Liturgy Light of ancient, light of old,search us, and know our hearts. Try us, and tell us whatanxieties we wrought.For on a day called “today,”our consciousness is concealed. Brother bemoans brother,Sister bemoans sister,Church bemoans church,State bemoans,state bemoans brother. With dimming eyes, we gropejust as the rooster crows.We scatter, we hide,we close shut our eyes. The cool wind blows. “Where are […]