Liturgy On this Easter Sunday, how do you come?How might you imagine, we as a communitycome this morning? Whether in grief or joy,recently betrayed or reconnected, the invitationthis morning is to accept what is, here and now. O, infinite One of radical acceptance,help us have the faith to welcomeourselves and each other as we areon this Easter morning. Where are […]
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Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.28
Liturgy Most gracious God,You are with us.Most holy God,You are present. We draw near to Youand you to us.You hear our hearts.May we hear yours. When we are filled with fear,when grief threatens to overcome,You groan with us.You hold us. As the budding of treesand the blossoming of wildflowersgive us hope and joy and relief,You celebrate with us. With ready […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.21
Liturgy God, in you we live and move and have our beingYou are the ground on which we walk,the light by which we see,the dust to which we will return. We invite the grounding elements ofcreation into our worship this morning:Earth, wind, water, light,Soil, trees, clouds, sun. Enter into these human-made rooms.Enter into these aching hearts. We pray in the […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.14
Liturgy Loving God, we come to this sacred time andspace today carrying hard and heavy burdens.Burdens of grief and loneliness, of depression and anxiety.Burdens of exhaustion, stress, and overwork. But we have good news! Your ways are not the ways of this world, andwhat we assume are weaknesses are actuallythe places where we find strength, fortitude, and hope. Allow us […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.03.07
Liturgy God of breath and bone,remind us of the body’s wisdom.In this moment of screens and separation,ground us in the old song of tears and touch. We make many temples in this life,yet the temple you spoke of was your body. In a Lenten season marked by physical suffering and denial,remind us that from death comes new life:a heartbeat humming […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.02.28
Liturgy God, your voice is but a whisper,and we struggle to hear itamid the clatter of life in its many forms,that works to claim our attention. We pray that this morning may be a timeof quiet reflection and devotion to you,when we can still our hearts and mindsand strain our ears to hear only you. Grant us mercy this morning […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2021.02.21
Liturgy Beloved community, let’s begin our timetogether with a calming, restorative breath. Holy One, be among us with gentle presence.If our patience has worn thin, or disappeared,or we never had any to begin with, give us theresolve to trust that our needs will be met.Shelter with us while we wait. Holy One, rekindle our hope.May we find our dwelling in […]