Liturgy Restore us, O Living God, by the breath of your Spirit,for some of us are wilted and weary. Some of us areanxious for restoration, and wonder if it will happen at all. Hear our voices crying out amidst the noise,where we hide to wait for a new day. Let us not be bound to the earth by ourweariness and […]
Stories tagged:

The Wisdom of Singing
How does singing sustain us? Gena St. David resonates with the power of songs to help us embody hope in challenging times of adversity and nonviolently resist injustice. [Psalms 68:4-9] Reflection Which song or breath practice might you deepen? Where do you desire to feel more free? How might song or breath help you decide to wait or move? Resources […]
Fits and Starts
On this Easter Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on the paradox of resurrection love and the invitation that Jesus’ nonviolence offers us towards peacemaking [Luke 24:1-11]. Reflection Where is Christ inviting you to shift perspectives to find life in death? How might forgiveness, righteous anger, and nonviolent resistance call you toward hopeful action?
Subversion of Empire as a Form of Holy Protest
On this Palm Sunday, Jonathan Davis reflects on how Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem subverted empire and injustice of his day [Luke 19:28-40]. Reflection How might God be calling me to subvert injustice in my own sphere of influence? How can I announce/proclaim the alternate Kin-dom of God this coming week? What parts of established religious systems do I reject in […]
All Rise
Christopher Mack reflects on how resurrection hope invites us towards the redemption of our world and partnership with God through an embodied life [1 Corinthians 15:12-20]. Reflection How have you been longing for transformation or groaning against injustice this week? How does Jesus’ embodied life challenge you to see the image of God anew in creation, community, or in your […]