James Alison reflects on how the good news of God is God’s own self and the invitation for us to repent which is meant to soften our hearts [Mark 1:14-20]. Reflection Why does the good news of God have anything to do with repentance? Why Galilee? Why fishers? And why brothers?
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Sacred Heart
James Allison reflects on the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the love that we’re invited to receive and give [1 John 4:7-16]. Reflection How can we move from a cognitive to a relational understanding and practice of love? How are we invited to meekness in our attempt to love well and to receive love? MWG Discussion Questions In what […]
Prayer As Posture
Gideon Tsang reflects on how prayer might realign the posture of our soul and being [Luke 18:1-8]. Reflection How might prayer help keep your heart open to God, ourselves and others? How does the way you feel about yourself reflect on the way you feel about God? Spiritual Practice Centering Prayer. Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your […]
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 11.07.10
Liturgy Father of light, in you is found no shadow of change but only the fullness of life and limitless truth. Open our hearts to the voice of your Word and free us from the original darkness that shadows our vision. Restore our sight that we may look upon your Son who calls us to repentance and a change of […]