David Wallace reflects on how doubt and belief coexist and both are necessary in our journey of faith [John 20:19-29]. Reflection When has your certainty led to unforgiveness? How does trusting in God change your understanding of having faith, despite living in a world with such suffering? Resources Book: The Sin of Certainty (Peter Enns)
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Ordinary Faith
Weylin Lee reflects on our invitation to practice ordinary faith that’s grounded in mercy as we push against celebrity culture [James 2:1-17]. Reflection What does it mean for us to push against celebrity culture in our community? How can we make space to reflect on and receive mercy in our lives? How are we integrating the teachings and life of […]
Giving Our Letters Legs
Judy Peterson reflects on how the incarnation of Jesus invites us to live our faith in an embodied way [Luke 7:11-22]. Reflection What do you long to see made manifest in this world? When was the last time you were moved from your innermost being and how did you respond?
Gideon Tsang reflects on the meaning of baptism in our lives as we hear the stories of David Burrows, Meredith McNamee, and Errol Neider [Romans 6:1-11]. Reflection In what ways are you growing into your baptism this season? How are you still being transformed by your baptism? Resources Book: The Invisible Church (J. Pittman McGehee)
Jason Minnix talks about the ways we and others have placed spiritual burdens on people that constrict our natural movement to seek healing and growth in Christ [Matthew 23:1-12]. Reflection: What burdens am I being invited to release today? What forgiveness do I need to extend or receive today? Resources: Video: SNL – Church Lady MWG: Discussion Guide
Jason Minnix reflects on some of the ways God is present with us in this journey we are on [Exodus 33:12-23]. Reflection: How can I open myself to participate in God’s presence now? Where am I being invited to play? Resources: Video: Three Year Old Arguing MWG: Discussion Guide
Great Questions
Gideon Tsang explores how Jesus seems to value questions more than he does answers and why questions are essential to a healthy faith [Matthew 21:23-32]. Reflection: How can you embrace your questions of Scripture and faith? How can you celebrate a mistake, wrong answer, or failure as part of your spiritual practice? Resources: Podcast: Freakonomics: That’s a Great Question Book: […]