Stories tagged:

Re-Membering Vox’s Roots

How does re-membering our past shape who we are becoming together in the coming years? Christopher Mack facilitates a panel of Carol Lee, Hannah Friesen, and John Bagwell, longtime members of Vox, as they tell  the story of what has made Vox such a special community. This is in conversation with our scripture which talks about the importance of roots […]

Behold and Beheld

What step of hope might we take together? Christopher Mack retraces the steps of Mary Magdalene through trauma and isolation to renewal and belonging. [John 20:1-18] Reflection What part of your human experience do you need to know God, in Jesus, experiences alongside you? How is what you are willing to see impacting how you live? What does bearing witness […]


Liturgy It is early on the first day of the week, oh GodAnd it is dark.We arrive at the tombOf all our hopes and dreams.Our lives have not unfolded as we expected.You have not spared us from the hard end.We stand alone, grieving. We lift up our eyesAnd see the unexpected.The stone is rolled away.We feel a rush of anxiety […]

True Lightness

Jason Minnix reflects on how Jesus invites us to experience levity in the midst of the current weights in our lives [Matthew 11:25-30]. Reflection Where am I being invited to release my assumptions and receive new eyes? What truth, if any, offers me rest and ease now? Spiritual Practice Don’t ask Google everything and embrace the joy of being wrong. […]