Liturgy Glory to God in the highest,and on earth peace, good willtoward humankind. In the angel’s gentle greeting,teach us to hear your love. In Mary’s glad obedience,teach us to follow your light. In your lowly birth and lodging,teach us to embrace your humility. In the worship of poor shepherds,teach us to give our attention. We light the Advent candlesthat all […]
Stories tagged:

Unexpected Joy and Peace
What are we invited to do or change as we consider the unexpected disruption that the first Christmas brought with the birth of a baby? On the eve of Christmas Eve, Weylin Lee leads us in the practice of lectio divina through a reflection over the past year and through the Christmas story [Luke 2:8-15] Resources Book: Wholehearted Faith by […]
Where is the Good News?
Jeff Chu reflects on where the Good News is as we continue to navigate difficult and disruptive transitions in our lives and those around us [Mark 6:14-29]. Reflection What are the things that, like Herod’s worldly allegiances, keep you from the allure of holy mystery? What might help you remember the heart of why Jesus’s name became known—the good news […]
Chaotic Good
Nic Acosta reflects on what it looks like for God’s chaotic goodness to interrupt our lives in disruptive and surprising ways [Ezekiel 37:1-14]. Reflection What are some ways that God’s message of hope and redemption has come through into our lives in unexpected or surprising ways? What did we learn? What would it mean to live in such a way […]
Lent: Embodiment
Weylin Lee reflects on how even though we typically fast and deny our body during Lent, we might also be invited to connect with our bodies and practice embodiment to connect with God [John 2:13-22]. Reflection How are you invited to embody disruption towards injustice this Lent? What are the “thin places” you can explore and experiment with this Lent? […]