Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.09.06

Liturgy Beloved, gather today andknow that God is living in you, For when you opened your eyes this morning,it was the Spirit who roused you. When youfirst saw light of day it was the Son. In living and breathing right now,be reminded that our God is. This morning, may we open our hearts andreceive the love that wakes us at […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.30

Liturgy In the desolation of the barren hills,our wounded God walked alone.Through dry, thirsty afternoons,Christ showed us how to need.Glory and honor to our wounded, walking God. But when that God returned,He also proclaimed, so let us listento the words and warningsHe imparted as he walked among us.Holy One of God, help us hear. We repent, O Lord, of our […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.23

Liturgy God, your mercy and love astounds us.We continually struggle to grasp the ideaof unconditional love, all the while, askingto experience your love and grace more fully. Today, we offer our lives afresh.Enable us to see where you areactive and to be used by you. When life is hard may we learn to praise you.When life is busy may we […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.16

Liturgy With open arms you welcome all who call on your name—who acknowledge you as Lord, and look to you in faith.No one stands outside the circle of your mercy and love. We come to offer you our worship—to give thanks that you are our God,and that we are your people, called,chosen, and loved beyond measure. In your endless love […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.09

Liturgy Holy One, we gather today in prayerfor a multitude of needs in our world. Yet, we can not merely prayto you, O God, to end war;For we know that you have made the worldin a way that people must find their own pathto peace within themselves and with their neighbors. We can not merely pray to you,O God, to […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.02

Liturgy We gather this morning without really gathering.Not like we used to, anyway.Some of us are isolated,some of us can’t get a moment alone.How can we connect without presence? In togetherness, there is God.In solitude, there is God. Your suffering is seen.Your work is known.Your joy is justified.Your tears are sanctified. Where we seek God, there she is.Where we seek […]

Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.07.26

Liturgy Vox, we gather at this time around our television,phone, and computer screens to experienceGod and connect with each other.But to connect requires participation. Just as easily, we distract and disconnectfrom the world using the same screens. As individuals and inhabitants of this world,we share the mysterious, unique, andcomplex experience of being human. Through this shared experiencewe are never alone, […]