Mark your calendars! We will be having a fall campout on November 15th-17th at Camp Ben McCulloch. Get your tents, gear and marshmallows ready and get ready to get your camp on. It’s BYOEverthing! Registration for Fall Campout [Photo by John Karwoski @ Flickr]
Stories tagged:

Guys in the Woods [Feb 28 – Mar 2]
So much of our journey creates fissures and separation within us from our soul, our access to God and intimacy with others. It is difficult to find spaces where we can rest and allow these fractured bits of self to be brought together into a meaningful whole. Our time away will offer space to just be and engage the mystery […]
Fall Camping Lite 2013
On November 1-2, 2013 (Fri-Sat) we will be camping at Camp Ben McCullouch. This is camping LITE because we will all be getting back at Space12 for liturgy Sunday morning. Get your tents, sleeping bags, gear, food and marshmallows ready and get ready to get your camp on. It’s BYOEverthing! Feel free to show up anytime on Friday after 5:30pm […]
Save the Date: Fall Camping Lite
Mark your calendars! November 1-2, 2013 at Camp Ben McCullouch. Get your tents, gear and marshmallows ready and get ready to get your camp on. It’s BYOEverthing! We’ll have signups and more details shortly. [Photo by Intrepidation @ Flickr]
Camping Liturgy 2013.05.26
Just a reminder that this weekend is our Vox Camping Trip. As a result, we’ll be having Sunday Liturgy outdoors at Camp Ben McCulloch. So don’t show up at Space12! We’ll have a time of solitude, celebrate eucharist, and enjoy community in the great outdoors. A light lunch will also be provided afterwards for a suggested $5 donation. If you […]
Vox Camp Out 2013
Join us for our second annual camping trip and a weekend long Sabbath from May 24-26. BYO-everything. Hang out, wade in a stream, eat Salt Lick BBQ, dance, and enjoy a talent show. We will be having our Sunday liturgy at the campsite, so join us Sunday morning even if you’re not planning to camp. When: May 24-26 (Fri-Sun) Where: […]
Camping Liturgy 2012.05.27
Just a reminder that this weekend is our Vox Camping Trip. As a result, we’ll be having Sunday Liturgy outdoors at Camp Ben McCulloch. So don’t show up at Space12! We’ll have a time of solitude, celebrate eucharist, and enjoy community in the great outdoors. A light lunch will also be provided afterwards for a suggested $5 donation. If you […]